Friday, September 18, 2009

My Survey Qustions

I formatted my questions to use the Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral or No Opinion, Disagree, Strongly Disagree answer choices. I would like to ask all teachers but I would also like to know how long they have been teaching and be able to coordinate the years teaching to the answers chosen.

Questions Below:

Please rate how you feel about the following statements involving technology and its relation to education?

1. The more technology we can work into our classrooms and curriculum the better.

2. I am always open to new technology that has the potential to teach my students in a different fashion than I do currently.

3. Administration has become too willing to adopt the newest technology without consideration to the increased burden of preparation on teachers.

My guess is that there would be a direct correlation between the number of years teaching and and a negative outlook on technology.

Optimally administration would seek to blend new technology into existing classrooms as seamlessly as possible. Teachers should be shown the benefits of the new technology and trained, not just shown once, on how to use it to their
In addition administrators should weigh the increase in prep time for teachers against the benefits for students. I believe teachers that have seen too many new programs/technology come, fail, and go become cynical and reluctant to embrace any new developments. Therefore, each new item of software or hardware should be evaluated for ease of use as well as quantifiable results.

Starting My Masters Program

This afternoon at 6:00 I officially started my Masters program through Central Michigan University. It looks like a lot of work and with a new son at home it may be difficult but it will be worth the effort.