Sunday, October 4, 2009


First off: I can’t seem to leave comments on others blogs while using Firefox. Is anybody else running into this?
I have been using Firefox for years because it is supposed to be a more secure program than IE and, in my opinion, is much more customizable and user friendly. Over the years I have found a few things that will only work in IE, like streaming movies from NetFlix, but I don’t believe I have had this happen before. I guess I’ll have to go back, find the posts I was reading, and rewrite my comments. It’s not like I have anything else to do. Oh wait…

Secondly: My school switched to OpenOffice this year as our Microsoft Office contract runs out at the end of the year. OpenOffice is a free, open source program similar to Microsoft Office, but obviously much less expensive. I have not had much experience on OpenOffice as I have, to this point, had little reason to use it. I’ve always used Microsoft and will probably continue to use it at home. I guess this just means more problems converting what I do at home to usable stuff at school. I know that things are supposed to transfer over but I’ve had different experiences.
My big question with OpenOffice is where is it used? Shouldn’t we be preparing our students for the software that they are going to see in college and the workplace?

I’ll write up a lesson plan in OpenOffice this week and let you know how it goes.


  1. Hi Cory...KeyTrain_Guy here. Open Office is actually quite good. My thought on preparing students is simply this. They should know that when they walk in the door at an employer, they can never be sure what tools will be available to them and they should be prepared to get the job done with whatever is available.

    Contact me via email so that I can comment further about your KeyTrain observation. Rick at KeyTrain dot com. Thanks.

  2. Cory - Someone else had trouble leaving comments while on Firefox. I found it very interesting b/c that is primarily what I use and haven't had any trouble with it. I don't know if it makes a difference - I do have a Mac.

  3. Their have been quite a few schools that have switched over to OpenOffice the past few years. Your are going to see more and more of this as money gets tighter and tighter. The teachers and adminastration still have MirosoftOffice on their computers along with OpenOffice. As for them opening them up in each other you might have to make little changes. You can also down load OpenOffice on your computer at home so you will not have as much trouble with converting files over.

  4. I have the same concerns with Open Office. The good news is that Microsoft is planning to release a free online version of MS Office! They are getting beat up by Google and Open Office and they realize they need to keep up. The online version will not be full featured but it looks like it will do everything Open Office and Google docs does.
